Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Why Social Signals Are Vital for Online Marketing By JP Digital Tech

Are you aware of how social signals affect your online marketing efforts?  Do you even know what social signals are, and why they’re considered so important?  John Phanchalad can explain how and why social signals and social media are important for any website and for its online presence, and how changes in search engine results will affect a site’s rankings.

If you use online marketing for your business or run a business online, it’s vital that you understand these basics.  Consider the following tips.

What Are Social Signals?

Social media refers to online sites that are used for socializing and connecting with others.  These would include Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google Plus, and sites like these.  Social signals are when someone shares the pages or Twitter feeds or pictures they find on these pages.

As an example, if someone posts something to their Facebook page and another person shares that on their Facebook page, that’s a social signal.  A website may also have a direct link so that a person can share that site page to their Facebook or other social media, and these too are called social signals.  When a page or picture or something else is shared via a link to a social media sites, these are called social signals.

Why Are They Important?

JP Digital Tech keeps on top of trends and changes to internet marketing, and today social sites are more important than ever before.  Many consumers get their information online, from a website or a company’s social media page.  Sharing a page or post to a social media site can increase its overall audience very quickly and easily.

Search engines better understand the importance of social media when it comes to the importance and authenticity of a site.  If someone shares a site or page with these social signals, this indicates that the website or page must have something worthwhile to share.  Junk or spam pages are not likely to be shared this way, so social signals are becoming increasingly important.

If you run an online business John Phanchalad can explain in greater depth why these social signals are important and how to increase them, but for any online site, building a presence on social media is vital.  It creates organic traffic but can also increase a page’s search engine ranking by way of these social signals.

To know more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing by John Phanchalad, visit http://jpdigitaltech.com/.

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