Friday, December 13, 2013

Pros That You Need In Your Internet Marketing Team By JP Digital Tech

Any specific objective of any company calls for an ideal team that shall be working towards accomplishing the goal. It is no different with internet marketing. John Phanchalad of JP Digital Tech says that the efficacy, potency and rewards of your internet marketing initiatives would depend entirely on the expertise of the professionals you put together to work as a team. You can certainly hire an internet marketing company but even while hiring such a company you must ensure that they have the necessary expertise to work in a team, collectively putting in an effort to create a winning strategy. John Phanchalad stresses that every internet marketing team should have the following professionals.

SEO Expert

An SEO expert plays a pivotal role in developing internet marketing strategies. It is the SEO expert who would be informed about all the latest developments in regards to search engine optimization and the protocols that search engines have set aside to govern internet marketing.

Content Writer

Internet marketing is heavily dependent on content. You would certainly need a professional content writer who has expertise in myriad domains and niches. If you are planning to engage in video marketing or visual marketing then you would need illustrators, graphic designers or animators as well. However, a content writer is the very least that an internet marketing should have since you have to start with text, regardless of how you wish to upgrade your campaign.


Many content writers can double up as copywriters but not all have the adequate skills and experience. If your content writer is unable to write copies then you should opt for a specialist. Internet marketing is not very dissimilar to conventional advertising where copies play a huge role in determining the success of the entire campaign.

Link Builder

Link building is integral to internet marketing and you need a professional link builder to get the job done. Software or automated and crowd-sourced link building doesn’t work even in the short term, let aside long term effectiveness of such approaches.

Social Media Manager

A social media manager needs to be a distinct professional who wouldn’t be dedicating his or her time for any other tasks. Given the significance of social media in internet marketing, a company cannot do without a social media manager.

PR Professional

Whenever there is a direct correspondence with the public or consumers, the public relations machinery of a company has to be in place. A public relations professional may not help with internet marketing at all times but can avert a PR disaster.


An internet marketing campaign cannot be launched without a webmaster. 

To know more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing by John Phanchalad, visit

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