Friday, February 21, 2014

Tips On Effective Social Media Engagement By JP Digital Tech

Aside from improving the aesthetic needs of a website, JP Digital Tech is also concern on online marketing and optimizing a website. Moreover, the team has an expertise when it comes to social media engagement.
To make your social media accounts more engaging, here are the basic tips.

Use powerful pictures – Pictures are very powerful in Facebook as it can attract users. Most funny photos got more likes and they are the reason why you get more and more traffic. When it comes to business social media engagement, only use graphics and pictures which are related to your company and has a corporate appeal, though giving a happy side.

Allow your viewers see some fun – if you have a serious business, it doesn’t mean that you have to be serious in social media, after all, people use “social” media to sustain a “social” connection. Facebook is a great medium to interact with your viewers, post some memes, aside that it they can post it on their wall (also a chance to get viral), they can just simply comment on that post and as the page administrator, you will reply to them, who knows such interaction can actually lead to a sale.

Make your page interesting – use the available Facebook apps like pining post and highlighting. Also you can post a lot of inspirational quotes and meme’s, but be careful and choose the memes. Make sure it won’t affect the image of your business or create negative appeal to the audience.

Create an online promo – Promos are not new anymore and these have been used in traditional marketing. The new face of promo is called online promo. Announcing promos entice a lot of users and they become more curious to know your company is.

If you find issue in managing your social media accounts due to lots of task, why not let John Phanchalad and his team in JP Digital Tech manage it.

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