Web design development is seen in every corner of the world wide web. Be it streaming sites, blog sites, social media sites even more sites that need not be said. And each of these sites exude a certain look, a certian feel. Like what Facebook has with its blue over white scheme or other blog sites with a more aggresive or provocative color palette. Each very unique, all very beautiful in their own way. Can you imagine that all these different designs are made possible by 3 relativly simple words?
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) the back bone of every webpage design. These simple codes have the power to dictate the behavior of any web page element imanigable while having the easiest syntax to remember among all others
Element {Property : Value ;}
Remember this always, you can even use a pnemonic if you would like.
Lets break down its parts to make our understandig as clear as day.
ELEMENT - this is any part of your page you can style. It may be your <h1> tag, an id you associated with an element, or a class you grouped your elements in. Write your elements in the following formats:
Tags- <h1> is written as h1
Id - <span id="myspan"> is referenced as #myspan
Classes- <div class="groupdivs"> is referenced as .groupdivs
Basically the idea is tags are for a general style , classes are used to target certain groups of elements and id's isolate specific elements in styling.
moving on to PROPERTIES , these are attributes that can be styled like font color, style, size, bordertypes and many more. The most important take away from this is, you must make sure your styling for the majority of the thigs your showing so that your properties don't get thrown arround all over the place.
Finally, VALUES are the dictators of what the style should be. Look at it like this, you place values of color on a font color property to show words under the element as blue, for example. Or adjust the margin size of a image element by 100 pixels. Always make sure you are placing the right value on the right property on the rignt element.
And that concludea this simple intro to CSS
If you wish to know other simpler ways to improve you web design, just visit JP DigitalTech.
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