Friday, February 28, 2014

Amateur Mistakes to Avoid in Web Design By JP Digital Tech

Want to make your website look its absolute best? Professionals like John Phanchalad can help you to achieve your dreams. Here, we would like to get you one step closer to what you have always dreamed by giving you a few tips on things to avoid in your web design. John Phanchalad knows what quick fixes can help you to make your website design appear more impressive almost instantly. And, as always, if you need more help, feel free to contact John Phanchalad and his team of professionals, today.

Schizophrenic Design

Always, always, always be consistent. This applies to your font choices, color choices, and even the ways that you highlight and add links to texts. Not keeping these constantly consistent is something we like to call schizophrenic design. This sort of design flaw may mean that readers find your webpage hard to read, frustrating to try to use, or even just a plain eyesore. Most often, these are found on sites that have been designed by amateurs, and not those designed by professionals. Fixing these can be quite easy to do, but even easier if you contact someone like John Phanchalad to help you.

Keep It Simple, Stupid

This phrase, which you may have heard before, can also be applied to web design. Do not use special effect text, as this can be annoying to some users. Also remember that anything that is animated or unnecessary is just pulling your users away from the true purpose of your site. Even worse, it may mean that quite a few users simply navigate away from your page without exploring it. Do not fill your page with too much text, information, or other content. Lastly, you may want to think twice about adding music or sounds without mute and volume controls.

Loading Speed

For many user, the loading time of a page is very important. How long they have to wait for a picture, graphic, or other things to load can often mean the difference in them sticking with your page, or clicking off of it very quickly. You may want to run speed tests on your own to see just how quickly your page (and things on it) loads from your office, your home, and other locations. There are ways that you can simplify your pages in order to help them to load faster for users. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Tips On Effective Social Media Engagement By JP Digital Tech

Aside from improving the aesthetic needs of a website, JP Digital Tech is also concern on online marketing and optimizing a website. Moreover, the team has an expertise when it comes to social media engagement.
To make your social media accounts more engaging, here are the basic tips.

Use powerful pictures – Pictures are very powerful in Facebook as it can attract users. Most funny photos got more likes and they are the reason why you get more and more traffic. When it comes to business social media engagement, only use graphics and pictures which are related to your company and has a corporate appeal, though giving a happy side.

Allow your viewers see some fun – if you have a serious business, it doesn’t mean that you have to be serious in social media, after all, people use “social” media to sustain a “social” connection. Facebook is a great medium to interact with your viewers, post some memes, aside that it they can post it on their wall (also a chance to get viral), they can just simply comment on that post and as the page administrator, you will reply to them, who knows such interaction can actually lead to a sale.

Make your page interesting – use the available Facebook apps like pining post and highlighting. Also you can post a lot of inspirational quotes and meme’s, but be careful and choose the memes. Make sure it won’t affect the image of your business or create negative appeal to the audience.

Create an online promo – Promos are not new anymore and these have been used in traditional marketing. The new face of promo is called online promo. Announcing promos entice a lot of users and they become more curious to know your company is.

If you find issue in managing your social media accounts due to lots of task, why not let John Phanchalad and his team in JP Digital Tech manage it.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Plagiarism Is Never Welcome In Online Marketing And SEO By JP Digital Tech

Plagiarism is a major crime for writers. As a matter of fact, this is a crime that can be committed by anyone who will steal the work of other people. It can be through writing, copying concept, applicable for those who are making designs on a website, and owning a discovery. It is equivalent of stealing investments, however, ideas are priceless. For writers, the investments are the ideas and creativity that they have spend for so long just to create a great content.

In reality, especially in online, it is difficult to find out who are those copying a content. Plagiarism is not new in online marketing and SEO. It is actually the number one Black Hat SEO strategy. But thanks to Google Update called Panda. It filters duplicate content and prioritize the original authors.

John Phanchalad, a renown online expert said that marketers and SEOrs are required to avoid plagiarizing content because Google automatically penalizes anyone who will violate their guidelines. To avoid plagiarizing content, here the steps created  by John P. :

Take Time To Writing Original Content
You are familiar to see scenarios of such students who were cramming to finish reports and projects before 2 or 3 days of deadlines, during your school days.  Many students from high school to college commit plagiarize work a they are rushing to finish their reports because they have no time or they have only limited time to think about ideas to put on their content.

Solution: Avoid rushing your writing job. Practice time management by organizing your schedule so you can  give yourself enough time to research, write, and rewrite every time.

Read Multiple Sources.

Don’t rely on one source. By getting other sources of information, you can manage your content without copying the whole article, but you just gathering ideas from the authors and combine each idea to one content.

Give Credit To Author by mentioning the name
Paraphrase statements, but never claim that it is your idea.

Multiple Drafting

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By JP Digital Tech, Visit Website.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Start Making Magic with CSS Now By JP Digital Tech

Web design development is seen in every corner of the world wide web. Be it streaming sites, blog sites, social media sites even more sites that need not be said. And each of these sites exude a certain look, a certian feel. Like what Facebook has with its blue over white scheme or other blog sites with a more aggresive or provocative color palette. Each very unique, all very beautiful in their own way. Can you imagine that all these different designs are made possible by 3 relativly simple words?

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) the back bone of every webpage design. These simple codes have the power to dictate the behavior of any web page element imanigable while having the easiest syntax to remember among all others

Element {Property : Value ;}

Remember this always, you can even use a pnemonic if you would like.

Lets break down its parts to make our understandig as clear as day.

ELEMENT - this is any part of your page you can style. It may be your <h1> tag, an id you associated with an element, or a class you grouped your elements in. Write your elements in the following formats:

Tags- <h1> is written as h1
Id - <span id="myspan"> is referenced as #myspan
Classes- <div class="groupdivs"> is referenced as .groupdivs

Basically the idea is tags are for a general style , classes are used to target certain groups of elements and id's isolate specific elements in styling.

moving on to PROPERTIES , these are attributes that can be styled like font color, style, size, bordertypes and many more. The most important take away from this is, you must make sure your styling for the majority of the thigs your showing so that your properties don't get thrown arround all over the place.

Finally, VALUES are the dictators of what the style should be. Look at it like this, you place values of color on a font color property to show words under the element as blue, for example. Or adjust the margin size of a image element by 100 pixels. Always make sure you are placing the right value on the right property on the rignt element.

And that concludea this simple intro to CSS

If you wish to know other simpler ways to improve you web design, just visit JP DigitalTech.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By JP Digital Tech, Click Here.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Stand Out And Act Now! By JP Digital Tech

All businesses have their mortal 2competitors! There is no more ‘exclusive and unique’ product that is out in the market, every item you see in one store, you can also see it in another store most specially is the demand of that certain product is really high. You, an an entrepreneur, you were too busy advertising and making gimmicks to sell your product, but all this time you think that your competitors sell more items than you do.

There is always this business that above their competitors, most of them are those fortune 500 companies. As a small entrepreneur, you also wish to be as successful or even more successful than they are, but do you think you can do so? Yes, in the near future, if you are going to do some things.

Those fortune 500 companies already have their market shares, meaning certain part of the buying population is already their clients. That’s a huge number, and that number can also be your market. Why do you push yourself to get or even share in their market if you can have your own? Better find your own niche, your own market share.

Know your direct competitors, you might be selling same stuffs but surely, there is really something in your products that are somehow different, find it and make it as your selling proposition.

Look into their strategies and build your own. But never a copycat in making a strategy. It won’t work for sure because it is not new. Find out why do buyers purchase from them and many buyers refrain from purchasing from them? Know it, who knows that’s the key to your success.

If you are doing the same things all over again, never expect different result and you fall into same mistakes. If you’re running out of ideas, hire a trusted online marketing consultant like John Phanchalad of JPDigital Tech, he might be the answer to your problems.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By JP Digital Tech, Visit Website.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

How To Market Your Products For Baby Boomers By JP Digital Tech

It is a known online marketing is the modern strategy to promote a website, with the age bracket of 12 – 44. Think about this, what if your products caters the older generation or often called as baby boomers? Does that mean that online marketing is not suitable for your business? Many would say that older ones are not fans of the internet, especially those who ages 60 years old and up. They rather stray in their couches and sip a hot coffee or tea while watching the television or listening to their favorite songs, but based on the recent report, it shows that the baby boomers spend more money and time than any generations do.

The trend of mobile internet browsing is a big help to reach this unexpected market as most people today own a mobile phone and most likely 70-80% of it are internet ready phones which is a big advantage for online advertisers.

So what are the usual activities on the internet these baby  boomers do? Obviously, online buying! Who would have guessed that these kind of target market can create an online business succeed, and most of them love shopping regardless in what form. It is also important to know that the usual sites that they visit, the most used keywords, and from there you would know where you will put your ads. You can check on the ad platforms of google to know what will best fit your campaign.

There are also companies who can help you when it come to strategizing or make a plan for your online campaign. One of the trusted is the JP Digital Tech owned by John Phanchalad. The CEO of JP Tech has been in the business of online advertising consultation for 12 years and had made a lot successful online campaigns.

For more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing By JP Digital Tech, visit