Friday, November 29, 2013

Contents For Internet Marketing Should Adhere To The Google Webmaster Guidelines By JP Digital Tech

The Google Webmaster Guidelines shed light on how anyone should approach developing their content, whether it is content for every webpage of the official website or articles to be used for internet marketing. ‘Quality articles’ has a distinct definition by Google, like other major search engines. To be ascertained as ‘quality articles’, the articles would need to be relevant to what the user is looking for. This is the simplest definition that Google would offer you.

However, in the broader picture, to create quality articles one also needs to steer clear of any unacceptable practices such as plagiarism, spinning and keyword stuffing. Plagiarism is actually pretty common in these times when sourcing content from an existing webpage is not a daunting challenge at all. Even if the articles are of relevance to a reader, if they are duplicated or completely plagiarized then they are not quality articles. Additionally, even if the articles are spun from existing content that is already published somewhere on the internet then they also fail the criteria for quality articles. Spun content may not be as easily spotted by Google as plagiarized content if the spinning is done well, , as John Phanchalad explains, but it would eventually be picked up by Google over time when referencing and crosschecking of the content is done vis-à-vis authority sites.

Keyword stuffing is another major factor that Google Webmaster Guidelines suggests is not conducive to creating a quality article and can be counterproductive in any internet marketing strategy. Overstuffing of keywords, questions, words or phrases that users would enter in the search engines is a strict no. With stuffed keywords, the articles lose their readability and thus there is a compromise on the quality.
There are some guidelines offered by the Google Webmaster to write a quality article and have an outline that would help in getting quickly noticed and appreciated by Google. First, the keywords should be in the title that should clearly describe what the content is. The meta-tags should also be used to effectively state what the article is all about. For instance, if an article is on the tips to insulate one’s home then that is what should be mentioned explicitly and not a title or meta-tag that says types of insulation systems. Simple factors such as these define relevance.

In a nutshell, Google Webmaster says that articles that aim at helping the reader by offering exactly the kind of information that the user is looking for by entering a search criteria, would be classified as good quality articles. For an internet marketing campaign to be desirably effective, all contents created in the process should adhere to the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

To know more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing by John Phanchalad, visit

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Why Use Video Blogging for Your Business By JP Digital Tech

Even if you have a loyal blog following, your blog could still need some updating and pizazz. As much as your readers may love you, they probably would still love some different content as well. One way to spice up your blog is to add video blog posts to it. Your blog readers will likely spend two to three times longer on your site if you have video blog posts, versus only having text and pictures.

Videos make your site more personal, because your blog readers are able to actually see you and hear your voice. Video only needs to be sporadically posted, unlike written content. By positing video once a week or once a month, you’ll create excitement and buzz around it.

It’s quite easy to take high quality video, as decent high-definition cameras can be found at most electronic stores for under $200. Recording a video is easy and you simply need to be knowledgeable and excited about what you’re discussing. Here are a few other key points about making video blogging successful:

·         Know how to work your camera and how to upload the video
·         Make sure you have a list of points to discuss before getting on camera
·         Make sure the surroundings are quiet and well lit
·         Give constant eye contact
·         Don’t move around too much
·         Make sure you have removed food, animals and other distractions from the area

These tips will help to ensure that your videos are entertaining, interesting and provide needed information. Videos are a great way to add some pizzazz and originality into any blog. 

To know more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing by John Phanchalad, visit

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Effective use of Pay-Per-Click Tools By JP Digital Tech

Managing online Pay-Per-Click campaigns can be difficult, even for the savviest businessperson. Choosing keywords and deciding what to pay for on services like Google AdWords and Microsoft adCenter. Paid search campaigns involve advertisers paying a fee, which is based on clicks or views, to have links placed on search engine result pages.

Advertisers bid on keywords and keyword phrases, and users often guess at words that searchers may be using on Google, Bing or Yahoo. This in hopes that the short bit of copy that appears at the top of the page and the side of the page is given to them.

Bigger companies have help from Pay-Per-Click experts and automation services, but smaller businesses don’t have that luxury. There are three low cost services, which may be able to help you break into the Pay-Per-Click arena as a small business.

1.    ClickSweeper: An affordable Pay-Per-Click bid management tool.
Google, Microsoft and Yahoo accounts support Clicksweeper. The service helps to optimize your chosen keywords, and prioritize keywords based on cost, ad ranking and return on investment.

2.    WordStream: Wordstream only works with Google AdWords, but lets your build your Pay-Per-Click platform by building ad campaigns from scratch.

3.    Clickable: If your business invests a lot of money in Pay-Per-Click marketing, then this tool is made for you. It works with Google, Yahoo, Bing and Facebook. For a little extra money you can also hire an employee to design ad strategies.

These are simple services to use to increase you revenue from Pay-Per-Click advertising. Pay-Per-Click advertising is a great way to increase your profits quite easily.

To know more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing by John Phanchalad, visit

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Easy Ways to Customers on Reach YouTube By John Phanchalad

Marketing on the Internet can be difficult, and professionals are always looking for unique ways to market their profits. By using YouTube for marketing purposes you’ll reach millions of people with your videos. There are some easy ways to reach customers using YouTube, and these are:

·         Promoting yourself as an online personality. Be sure to be interesting, entertaining and relevant.

·         Share knowledge and how-to information. You have expertise that other people want-share it with the world.

·         Introduce a new product or service, and direct people to your online store. Showcasing your products is a low-cost way to advertise and demonstrate your products.

·         Teach people how to use your products or services. Examples of how to use your goods will make people want to jump over to your website and buy your items quickly.

·         Tell your story. Tell the story and history of your business. You’ll build a relationship with your clients. The more they know about you-the more the want to know about your company. The more likely they are to take that interest and turn it into buying your products and services.

·         Have customers give their testimonials about your products and services. By showcasing your good reviews, people are more likely to buy your product.

·         Present a call to action. Give your customers something to do-like subscribe to your YouTube channel, call a phone number or visit your website.

By using YouTube to connect to customers you’ll increase traffic to your website. Increased traffic means increased sales and profit. YouTube is a great and simple way to improve your business.

To know more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing by John Phanchalad, visit

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ups And Downs By John Phanchalad

It happens to everybody…but, if you know what to  do it is
infinitely easier to deal with and prevent for the future.

The thing that happens is that you out run your schedule. You have a big month and then a little month, then a big month and then a little month, over and over. This is a signal of big trouble looming.

The big trouble is that you cant plan or anticipate production and income. It is a sure way to have significant cash flow problem.

These ups and downs are an indicator of a lack of organization. When the month is down you have time to work on marketing and selling as well as all the other parts of making your business sing.

Your efforts pay off with a visible upswing in productivity. This upswing can come in as little as two weeks, but more likely six weeks. So now you are busy delivering your products and services. So what is the problem? You are too busy to do the things that got you productive in the first place! New sales consults are fewer as there is just too little time to get them done. Marketing efforts fall off. You are so busy in the now that you fail to plan and make the future.

This pattern will repeat itself over and over. The difficulty is planning for staffing, expenditures, time to train, office work, etc. It is a feast or famine. A statistician could say youre fine if you just average the two. As Lee Corso of ESPN fame would say, Not so fast my friend.” This vicious cycle can eat your profits.

So what do you do to handle this vicious cycle?

You can do as my dear departed father-in-law used to do. He was a builder, subject to up and down cycles in the building construction industry. When times were good he would save and build up reserves.

He did not add capacity, staff, equipment, etc. When the boom slowed down, he would count on his reserves to provide a smooth continuous flow of income. It worked for him. This may be the solution you should use.

The problem with the solution is that he permanently capped how far his business could grow. He built it for lean times. He couldnt take advantage of the booms because he limited his capacity. He missed out on oodles of projects that could have paid him handsomely at the time. He didnt have a real marketing effort; it was all word of mouth. He never organized his business beyond what he himself could take on. These concepts of organization and marketing werent foreign to him. He just didnt see himself as being more than a small builder and he didnt want the “hassle and headaches of growth. He choose a lifestyle that fit his income and was fairly content with it.

He also was tied to his business, he couldnt leave it. He limited his income. He could have been a multi-millionaire. He never took those trips that he and my mother-in-law had always talked about. His health deteriorated. He retired. A few years later my mother-in-law died from breast cancer. A few years after that, he died from complications of lung cancer- 70 years young. I miss my in-laws; they were good, loving people who raised six kids well.

So what is the other choice? Delegate your work so you can concentrate on only leading, planning, marketing your business and doing your job - a simple answer with a more complex implementation. Almost all high performing people doing too many other things besides the above. Its a shame.

Heres a starting point.  Figure all that you do. Make a complete list. Make a rough guess of time you put into each area. Immediately delegate any and all activities that someone else can do without a significant amount of time training them to do it.

If there are actions you like to do because you enjoy them, fine, do them. Just realize that doing so takes away from other activities that may be more profitable financially.

Take your list and prepare materials and training so that someone else can take over the more challenging actions. This can take quite a bit of time. But to not do it is asking for an unending enslavement to tasks, activities and jobs that limit your productivity, income and time off.

Yes, it is a lot of work. Yes, it will take a lot of time. Yes, it will be a challenge. And it is so worth it in the end.

Think and plan more, but do less. Heres to you doing what you do best.

To know more tips and ideas about Internet Marketing by John Phanchalad, visit